Tridem-trailer in the version for Sweden | Grunwald News

Tridem-trailer in the version for Sweden

Tridem-trailer in the version for Sweden

Grunwald continues to expand its range of export-oriented products. The company's goal is to become an equivalent alternative to European products in the European transport market.

A new product that opens up another segment of the EU market for the brand is a tipper tridem-trailer in the design for Sweden. The model is designed for the transportation of inert building materials as part of a road train paired with a tipper truck. The center of the project was the verified scheme of distribution of weight loads, which provides the finished trailer with high stability in motion and stability during unloading.

Инженеры Grunwald нацелены подобрать оптимальный для российских условий объем кузова с сохранением достигнутой в проекте схемы распределения весовых нагрузок.

At the same time, two modifications of the trailer were presented and put into production – with a sliding and with a rigid drawbar. The trailer frame is made of Strenx 700 MC steel, the tipper truck body is made of Hardox 450 steel and is certified under the "Hardox in My Body" program. The body volume of the new model is 14 cubic meters, which corresponds to the current standards for transport on the roads of Sweden. The thickness of the side of the body is 5 mm, the thickness of the base is 6 mm. The rear side of the body has two options for opening: according to the classic principle of the upper hitch and as a swing door that opens to the right. This allows you to transport palletized cargo, and unload the pallets with a loader from the ramp. The rear side bulk tray is controllable. There are tie-down belts for fixing the rear side in a semi-open state — a solution for the metered supply of cargo necessary for carrying out the filling of crushed stone. The axial unit consists of three BPW axles with disc brakes, the first and third axles are equipped with an automatic lifting mechanism. The hydraulic equipment of the trailer is a Hyva central hydraulic cylinder.

On the basis of the same platform, a Russian version of the tridem trailer will be developed, the project is currently being launched. Grunwald engineers aim to select the optimal body volume for Russian conditions while maintaining the weight distribution scheme achieved in the project.

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