The batch of a new semitrailers for Europe | Grunwald News

The batch of a new semitrailers for Europe

The batch of a new semitrailers for Europe

Beginning of a new year has coincided with adding of a new milestone in the history of Grunwald. The first shipment of the batch of a new semitrailers for European customer has taken place. Versatile low-bed container semitrailers with one lifting axle and T-Control telematics system will operate in Denmark.

According to the expert estimates of European partners, the Grunwald Company already has enough potential in engineering, design and production to start the entry to the European market. However, it took significant efforts of company’s management to make this possible. It is obvious that the European market to a certain degree protected from external intervention because of the large number of market participants, the lack of free unoccupied niches and strong positions of world giants. So the more valuable and impressive are the results, which were achieved in such a short time. High quality of Grunwald products was recognized by European customer. 

As a result of successful transaction, client has confirmed interest to the further cooperation and plans to buy a new batch of trailers.

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